Siemens a anun?at c? a achizi?ionat Mentor Graphics, unul dintre liderii pie?ei de solu?ii software de automatizare a proiect?rii de circuite electrice, într-o tranzac?ie cu o valoare total? de 4,5 miliarde dolari. Portofoliul de solu?ii Mentor Graphics, care intr? astfel în patrimoniul Siemens, include solu?ii care pornesc de la designul circuitelor integrate sau al sistemelor de tip SoC (sistem on chip) ?i pân? la proiectarea automat? a componentelor electrice din industria automotive.
“This acquisition decisively extends Siemens’ leading Digital Enterprise Software portfolio with Mentor’s well established electronics IC and systems design, simulation and manufacturing solutions. These capabilities are essential for today’s smart connected products such as autonomous vehicles. The combination provides mechanical, thermal, electronic and embedded software tools which will allow Siemens’ customers to further accelerate their innovation, drive production efficiencies, and optimize the operation of their products in the field. Now, for the first time, quality, efficiency, flexibility, safety and speed can be optimized across technical domains, throughout the entire lifecycle and for the entire extended enterprise.”
Dincolo de gama de solu?ii a Mentor Graphics, Siemens acceseaz? prin aceast? tranzac?ie ?i un portofoliu destul de impresionant de clien?i. Acesta, al?turat tehnologiilor proprietare ale Mentor Graphics, dar ?i infrastructurii ?i recunoa?terii globale de care dispune Siemens, fac ca aceast? tranzac?ie s? par? o solu?ie ideal? pentru ambele p?r?i.